






摘要:This paper introduces the development status of environmental corrosion test technology of steel materials at home and abroad, summarizes various test methods needed in the research and development of new corrosion resistant steel materials, analyzes the research focus and development trend of outdoor exposure test, indoor simulation accelerated test, online corrosion monitoring and big data evaluation technology。In view of the importance of natural environmental corrosion test of steel materials to ensure the safety and reliability of its service process, it is important to build a standardized and standardized environmental corrosion test technology system to improve the quality of steel materials in China。

Steel material as the most important structural material, almost all industries, with the development of energy industry, Marine resources and ship industry, the demand for high-performance structural corrosion resistant steel is more and more urgent。However, under the environmental action of steel materials will occur corrosion, according to the "China's corrosion status and control strategy research" major consulting project data show that in 2014, the total cost of industry-wide corrosion in China accounted for about 3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).34% ,达到 2.13 万亿人民币,腐蚀产物和失效的材料 / 制品也对环境造成严重污染和深远影响 。Because the corrosion data of steel in the natural environment such as air, soil and water has the characteristics of non-introduction, public welfare, long-term and continuous,因此,The accumulation and sharing of material environmental corrosion scientific data and the standardization and standardization of environmental corrosion test technology are extremely important basic work to improve the quality of iron and steel materials in China 。

长期以来, 钢铁材料环境腐蚀研究的重点一直围绕着试验设备、技术、方法与标准展开。随着信息时代的到来, 数据科学也在腐蚀试验研究中发挥了重要作用,无论是大气、水、土壤和微生物条件下的各类自然环境腐蚀试验,还是应力腐蚀、点蚀和电偶腐蚀等类型的局部腐蚀试验, 包括对构件或装备整体的耐蚀性考察, 国内外都已积累了一些数据, 伴随着高通量测试技术和手段的使用,其数据量将快速增长。At the same time, data mining, support vector machine, Bayesian model and other data analysis and modeling methods also provide strong support for corrosion scientific research。These data and data analysis methods play an extremely important role in the in-depth study of corrosion mechanism, long-term tracking of corrosion laws, the development of new corrosion resistant alloys, the determination of corrosion control technology, and the selection of materials for engineering design。腐蚀科学对数据、信息研究的需求,是腐蚀信息学产生和发展的源动力 。

据此, 文中综述了钢铁材料环境腐蚀试验技术及国外研究现状, 为其在国内的进一步应用提供基础信息,为钢铁材料的设计、研发和制造提供参考, 为各类环境下服役的装备选材提供理论依据, 提高我国钢铁材料制品与装备的可靠性和耐久性。

1 自然环境暴露腐蚀试验技术

From the middle of the 18th century to the 21st century, people's understanding of metal corrosion has changed from the empirical stage to the systematic research stage。现代材料环境腐蚀研究已有近百年的历史,以大气腐蚀为例,金属在室外自然环境下的腐蚀数据积累工作开始于 1906 年,由美国材料试验学会( ASTM )建立大气腐蚀试验网站,并在大气环境下进行了多种材料的腐蚀试验。In the 1920s, Vernon in the United Kingdom exposed the surface of metal samples to the outdoor natural environment after cleaning, measured the corrosion rate, and labeled the main corrosion products。Vernon 的试验研究方法一直沿用至今,只是观测和表征仪器有了本质性的提高。Because of Vernon's experimental research, the subject of corrosion has been transformed from the so-called "art" field into the scientific field, and the mechanism of metal corrosion in the atmosphere has been deeply studied on the basis of a large number of natural environment corrosion data 。

世界各国都高度重视钢铁及其制品在生产、运输及服役过程中环境适应性的研究,积极开展材料在典型自然环境中的腐蚀数据积累和试验研究工作,掌握各类材料在自然环境中的腐蚀规律,这对于控制材料环境腐蚀,减少经济损失具有十分重要的意义。The study of natural environmental adaptability of iron and steel materials is very complicated, and there are many influencing factors, which is difficult to simulate in the laboratory. Only through field test and observation can the actual environmental adaptability data be obtained。The construction and data accumulation of the material natural environment test station network has a history of hundreds of years, due to the natural environmental conditions of different countries, the difference is also very big。

我国疆域辽阔,自然环境复杂,南北分布在7 个气候带上,As a result, there are seven typical atmospheric environments (rural, urban, industrial, Marine, plateau, desert, and tropical rainforest), five major water systems (Yellow River, Yangtze River, Pearl River, Songhua River, and Huaihe River), four sea areas (Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea), and more than 40 soil types。

材料在不同环境中的腐蚀率可以相差数倍甚至几十倍,不可能简单用发达国家的数据替代。Only through long-term data accumulation and experimental research can we master the corrosion data and rules of materials under natural environmental conditions in our country。

我国自然环境腐蚀试验开始于上世纪 50 年代,经过几十年的建设和发展,根据我国材料环境腐蚀台站的基础条件, 与科技部建立国家野外台站规划,协调跨行业跨部门跨地区的十多个单位,协同建成了由 31 个野外试验站和 1 个中心组成的国家材料环境腐蚀平台,见图 1 。The platform includes 16 atmospheric corrosion, 8 soil corrosion and 7 water corrosion test stations, starting from Korla in the west, Zhoushan Island in the east, Mohe in the north and Xisha in the south, covering all typical natural environment zones in China。A field environment corrosion test site has been built, and a complete set of environmental corrosion test procedures and technologies has been formulated, which have been formed into 28 corrosion industry standards;Established a material environmental corrosion information resource sharing service platform - China Corrosion and Protection Network ( ),面向社会各界,提供材料腐蚀(老化)实物资源和信息资源服务 。


图 1 国家材料环境腐蚀平台体系试验站分布图

Outdoor environmental exposure test is the most commonly used test method in natural environmental test, which can be divided into direct exposure, semi-enclosed exposure and total enclosed exposure。The selection of exposed sites should be combined with the effects of various environmental factors on steel products, the representativeness and accuracy of test results, performance changes and speed。The existing natural environment corrosion test stations in China can represent the typical types of natural environment areas in our country. Through studying the influence of environmental factors on the corrosion of steel materials and continuous data accumulation, the corrosion rules of steel materials in the typical environment in China can be obtained。In the research and development of corrosion-resistant steel and the assessment of equipment environmental adaptability, China has established a complete set of field test technologies that meet international standards and have been widely used。国家材料环境腐蚀平台已完成我国最大规模的材料环境腐蚀试验,包括碳钢、耐候钢、不锈钢及涂镀层等 100 余种材料,针对我国幅员辽阔、自然环境复杂的特点,开展了长达16 年的系统暴露试验,对大气、土壤和海水腐蚀分区分级建模研究 ,见图 2 。


(a) atmospheric environment (b) water environment (c) soil environment (d) deep sea environment

图 2 钢铁在大气、水、土壤和深海环境中的自然腐蚀试验

随着国家“一路一带”战略的实施,Since 2015, the National Material Environmental Corrosion Platform has carried out environmental corrosion tests and data accumulation of steel materials in Southeast Asia,在泰国、印尼、新加坡、马来西亚等地开展了自然环境腐蚀试验,这些工作将指导港口选材、海洋工程和高速铁路等重大工程建设和应用示范。

Under the trend of globalization of material environmental corrosion observation and test research, in order to improve the adaptability of materials to the environment and the comparability of environmental corrosion, to accumulate material corrosion data as the main purpose of observation and test research, from exposure methods to detection methods, uniform norms and standards are adopted。在发达国家,材料环境腐蚀观测试验标准化发展已经受到广泛的重视。In recent years, the United States, Japan, Germany and other NATO countries have invested a lot of manpower and material resources in material environmental corrosion, conducted a lot of experimental research and data accumulation, and actively promoted the standardization process of material environmental corrosion observation tests。The international standardization organization represented by ISO has also established a more mature and perfect material corrosion observation test standardization system, and more than 60 standards have been published。美国等发达国家都建立了适合本国国情的详细材料环境腐蚀试验标准化体系。以美国为例,Organizations such as the National Bureau of Standards, the Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), the Institute of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), the Institute of Metals (ASM), and the American Petroleum Institute (SPI) have developed thousands of standards and specifications for corrosion and protection of materials,形成了十分具体和完善的标准体系,仅正在执行的材料大气腐蚀观测试验标准就有800 多项。The environmental corrosion tests of materials conducted by ATLAS Climate Services Group in the United States are conducted according to ASTM, SAE, MIL, DIN, JIS, Nissan and other standards。Therefore, in the natural environmental exposure test research, through scientific and systematic management and the establishment and operation of various standard systems, the authority and scientific nature of environmental corrosion data of iron and steel materials and their products are further improved。

2 室内环境加速腐蚀试验技术

In the natural environment, due to the long cycle of steel material failure evaluation and the complex and changeable factors of field test, the field test method can not meet the needs of new product development of steel materials and material corrosion life evaluation and prediction。Therefore, it is necessary to establish the accelerated corrosion test technology of steel materials to predict the long-term service behavior and service life of steel and its components under the actual environment。

It is generally believed that the indoor accelerated corrosion test can not simply replace the natural environment corrosion exposure test, and the evaluation standard of laboratory accelerated corrosion test depends on the correlation between indoor and outdoor corrosion tests。

Due to the strong theory, diverse environment, many influencing factors, insufficient accumulation of data and cases, the development of accelerated corrosion test technology with good indoor and outdoor correlation has been lagging for a long time。Therefore, it is of great practical and scientific significance to develop the new theory and technology of environmental accelerated corrosion evaluation of serialized materials, and it is also one of the key points in the research of environmental test technology of iron and steel materials。下面分别从大气、海水和土壤环境腐蚀室内模拟加速试验技术的发展进行介绍。

早期的大气腐蚀室内模拟加速方法主要采用湿热试验法, 包括通入 SO2、 H2S 、 CO2等进行模拟腐蚀性气体的加速腐蚀试验。In 1962, ASTM established three salt spray test standards, namely, neutral salt spray test, acetate salt spray test and copper chloride acetate salt spray test。目前,盐雾试验仍然是海洋性大气腐蚀加速模拟试验最常用的方法。However, a large number of tests have proved that salt spray test method can only be used as an artificial accelerated corrosion test method, and can not simulate the environment containing chloride ions such as the ocean。The main reason is that the salt spray test does not have a "wet-dry" cycle process. Under natural atmospheric conditions, the liquid film formed by rain and fog on the sample has a periodic cycle process from thick to thin and from wet to dry。因此,有学者提出了带干燥过程周期性盐水喷雾的盐雾复合试验方法。In 1980, Japanese scholars proposed a method of cyclic infiltration compound cycle test, which has good reproducibility。Pourbaix uses this method to study atmospheric corrosion through periodic immersion in distilled water, NaHSO3Or NaCl solution to simulate accelerated atmospheric corrosion in rural, industrial and Marine atmospheres, respectively, and studies have shown that experiments of a few weeks can be matched with natural exposure for a year or more。

In recent years, foreign scholars have combined periodic spray and periodic infiltration tests, and a variety of cyclic composite corrosion tests with environmental factors have appeared。不仅实现了对温度、相对湿度、干湿频率、干 /湿交替、污染物 SO2、 CO2The control of environmental factors such as content and wind speed can also simulate atmospheric corrosion under various meteorological conditions, and obtain data similar to the real atmospheric exposure test。At present, the international research on simulated atmospheric corrosion acceleration test has developed from obtaining single or several environmental factors to multi-factor compound accelerated corrosion。In the accelerated test study, it is not the simulation of atmospheric corrosion phenomenon, but the simulation of the essential law of atmospheric corrosion。For many years, the research on the environmental spectrum of material atmospheric environment equivalent accelerated test has been highly valued by the academic and engineering circles at home and abroad, 特别是发达国家关于腐蚀环境对飞机结构等装备寿命影响规律, 腐蚀环境下寿命预计方法, Many effective researches have been made on corrosion control of structures, accelerated corrosion test technology and environmental spectrum in the laboratory of structural simulators 。

采用室内模拟加速实验方法, 在大量腐蚀数据积累基础上, 国家材料环境腐蚀平台综合研究中心针对现场条件,特别是西沙高温、高湿、高盐雾的海洋大气,确定符合西沙大气环境特征的模拟溶液,设计了周期浸润 + 盐雾腐蚀环境谱室内加速试验方法,设计了周期浸润腐蚀试验箱、 微量腐蚀性气体环境试验箱等系列大气腐蚀加速试验装置, 简便快速的电化学测试装置及可自动控制薄液厚度的电解池装置, 开发了适用于薄层溶液电化学测试的参比电极等大气腐蚀机理研究测试技术。在大气腐蚀加速腐蚀试验系列化技术基础上, The actual situation of atmospheric outdoor exposure materials, influencing factors, grey correlation analysis, environmental spectrum compilation and laboratory accelerated test were systematically studied,建立了一套较为系统、可靠的环境谱加速试验方法和寿命评估理论体系,先后在航空、航天、电子、汽车等行业获得广泛应用。

海洋环境是材料腐蚀最严酷的自然环境之一。实海腐蚀挂片试验是海洋环境下可靠的腐蚀试验方法,但这种试验周期长、耗资大,为了短时间取得大量的试验数据,制定了海洋腐蚀室内模拟加速试验方法和评价技术,The authors have developed a series of new Marine corrosion laboratory simulation accelerated test equipment and deep-sea environment corrosion simulation accelerated test equipment,见图 3 ,并对浅海及深海环境下的材料的腐蚀加速试验进行了研究。



图 3 海洋腐蚀模拟加速试验技术及系列装置


The Marine corrosion laboratory simulation acceleration test device realizes the functions of alternating dry and wet, controlling the environment of different corrosive gases and simulating different Marine corrosion zones (Marine atmosphere, splash zone, tidal range zone, total immersion zone), 可同时进行多种因素复杂海洋环境条件下的室内模拟 / 加速腐蚀试验和电化学测试,适用于实验室内开展多种金属材料在海洋环境下的腐蚀模拟加速试验。


经验证, 模拟加速试验装置可模拟海洋多区带腐蚀及海洋冲刷腐蚀行为, 图 3 中的材料深海环境腐蚀性能试验装置, 利用流动循环系统控制海水的物理化学参数(如溶解氧、温度、压力和盐度等),压力可以加至 50 MPa 以上(仅以压力换算,相当于 5 000 m 深海)。The device can truly simulate the low temperature and high pressure conditions of steel materials in the actual deep-sea environment, and solve the problems of long time to obtain experimental data in the existing deep-sea test, single data type, and static autoclave can not truly simulate the actual deep-sea environment。The device can be used to understand the corrosion behavior of typical metal materials under different pressure, medium and other characteristics in simulated deep-sea environment. Figure 4 shows the surface corrosion behavior of X70 pipeline steel under simulated seawater environment of different depths 。


(a) 0 m surface (b) 0 m inner layer rust (c) 860 m (d) 1,200 m

图 4 X70 钢 U 形弯试样在不同模拟深度条件下浸泡后的宏观形貌照片

The environmental factors affecting soil corrosion of iron and steel materials are complex. It is one of the difficulties of environmental corrosion test and evaluation technology to predict the long-term corrosion behavior and service life of iron and steel materials by using the results of short-term accelerated corrosion test。At present, China has developed a series of steel soil corrosion test equipment and evaluation methods, the development of soil corrosion simulation accelerated test chamber, as well as for trench corrosion sensitivity test and evaluation technology, these methods and related standards have been promoted in the industry and promoted the evaluation and development of new corrosion resistant high-strength pipeline steel。

Representative Yingtan soil and Korla soil were selected as the main research objects of the national material environmental corrosion Platform, and soils from other 6 typical areas in China were selected as a comparison to analyze the corrosion types of steel pipelines in typical soil environments。通过对 Q235 钢、 X70 钢 ~X120 钢等材料的腐蚀数据分析,从均匀腐蚀、点蚀和应力腐蚀三个角度分别建立和甄别土壤腐蚀性评价指标,应用灰度关联模型, 结合遗传算法等数据关联性分析手段,Soil resistivity, water content, soil pH, soil texture, REDOX potential, pipe-ground potential, salt content and Cl were selected-As the key environmental parameters of soil corrosivity, the "comprehensive evaluation method of soil corrosivity of buried steel pipeline" based on these 8 soil property indexes was established.。经过 8 个国家级土壤站的既有数据验证,上述方法与实际数据高度吻合。与国外方法( DIN-50929 和 ANSI A21.5) In comparison, this method not only adopts the international common multi-index soil corrosivity evaluation method, but also makes up for the poor practicability of soil corrosivity evaluation methods in the international mainstream standards, and improves the practicability and assessment accuracy of the multi-index soil corrosivity comprehensive evaluation method 。

3 在线腐蚀监检测与大数据评估技术

With the development of information technology, the United States proposed the "Materials Genome Project" in 2011, and the concept of data sharing and computing tool development is very consistent with the data sharing work of the material corrosion platform and the continuous development of simulation computing research。2014 年出版的《十大玩彩信誉平台》及其相关工作指出,The goal of the Materials Genome Project is to reduce the current materials development cycle from 20 to 30 years to two to three years, 这就要求材料腐蚀研究要进行创新突破,A new method of corrosion test, a new standard of environmental severity classification, a new theory of multi-scale corrosion behavior and a new life prediction model are developed by using simulation calculation and data cross-sharing。Taking the monitoring, detection and evaluation of atmospheric corrosion of steel as an example, the research progress and application of corrosion test and big data evaluation technology are briefly described。

金属材料在大气中的腐蚀性破坏主要是由潮湿和干燥气候交替所致。The corrosion process is due to the electrochemical corrosion of metals under thin liquid film, so the atmospheric corrosion process not only satisfies the general law of electrochemical corrosion, but also has its own characteristics。At present, atmospheric corrosion monitoring (ACM) instrument is still an important tool to study atmospheric corrosion, and ACM instrument reflects the corrosion strength of atmospheric environment according to the current signal of thin film electrochemical cells。Among them, ACM battery, as an important part of the monitor, is designed on the principle of galvanic corrosion in the principle of corrosion electrochemistry。

笔者研发了一种适用于高通量数据采集的多通道大气环境腐蚀监测设备,见图 5 。This monitor can select several typical atmospheric environments to monitor the corrosion degree of steel materials online under different space and time。The atmospheric corrosion monitoring probe reflects the corrosion strength of atmospheric environment by measuring the current signal of electrochemical cells under thin liquid film. According to the given data, the main environmental factors of atmospheric corrosion in different regions and the characteristics of corrosion environment are analyzed。大气腐蚀监探头可根据被监测空间及工况定制规格,特别适用于监测环境腐蚀度变化趋势。


图 5 ACM 检测设备

ACM 设备应用系统采用 B/S 架构和 Java 语言,支持跨平台操作,支持 GIS 地图显现,可实时对大环境气候进行显示和存储, 界面动态仪表图形化可显示小气候监测点数据, 该设备还具有监测点历史数据查询和图表化输出、分析功能。

基于互联网大数据的 ACM 监测技术,实现了对腐蚀大数据的智能化监测, It makes up for the shortcomings of long design period, data fragmentation, coupling instability of multiple environmental factors in the process of data accumulation and data monitoring lag,实现了对腐蚀环境大数据(温度、湿度、氯离子浓度、 SO2Concentration, particulate matter content, etc.) real-time intelligent automatic collection, high-throughput calculation and analysis of material informatics, and real-time intelligent monitoring of corrosion process, and finally form a steel material service data sharing platform with the characteristics of "corrosion big data"。Through this platform, the online collection, data analysis, processing mining and information management of corrosion data of steel materials during service are realized, which provides a new method for the safety and health diagnosis of steel materials and their components, and further develops the corrosion protection technology of steel used in islands and reefs 。

4 结语

以国家经济建设和战略布局的迫切需求为中心, 不断改进自然环境下钢铁材料环境腐蚀试验方法, Continue to accumulate corrosion data of steel materials and products in typical natural environments at home and abroad and in harsh and extreme environments (deep/far sea, West/Nansha, South/Arctic, etc.),充实完善钢铁产品环境腐蚀数据库;在多周期、长序列数据基础上,进一步开展建模、 仿真和知识挖掘等信息技术的综合应用与实践, Fully understand and reveal the scientific laws and mechanisms of environmental corrosion of iron and steel materials;Improve the environmental corrosion evaluation standard system of steel materials, 使国内材料的自然环境腐蚀试验研究工作与国际接轨,为提高钢铁产品质量,增强我国钢铁的国际竞争力作出贡献。










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